El producto "Ball End Ear Wire w / Interlocking Rings AT" está en el carrito de compras.
Ball End Ear Wire w / Interlocking Rings AT
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Ball End Ear Wire w / Interlocking Rings AT

Código de producto:5018600B2

  • Estilo : Extremo de bola Alambre para oreja
  • Metal : Plata 925

Ball End Ear Wire with Interlocking Rings

Ear Wire Specifications:
Wire Size: 22ga | 0.026"| 0.66mm
Length: 0.787" | 20.0mm
Width: 0.453" | 11.5mm

Smaller Ring Specifications:
Wire Size: 1.0mm | 0.040" | 18ga
Outer Diameter: 10.0mm | 0.390"
Inner Diameter: 8.0mm | 0.315"

Larger Ring Specifications:
Wire Size: 1.0mm | 0.040" | 18ga
Outer Diameter: 15.2mm | 0.600"
Inner Diameter: 13.2mm | 0.520"

Finish: Anti Tarnish

Quoted Weight (gr):0.75562
Country of Origin:USA
Min Order Qty:20 Each

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